Do you dread Monday mornings? Is your stomach in knots every Sunday because all you can think about is going to the office Monday? Are you finding it increasingly difficult to get out of bed to get ready for work? Do you wish to quit your job, but feel trapped by the life you've created for yourself? (car, house, big screen TV)
If you answered "Yes" to any one of these questions, chances are you hate your job. What's worse, some of you may even hate your career. You may hate your job for a myriad of reasons: bad boss, your personality isn't matched well to the company, low wages...
Whatever your reasons are for hating your job, or career, you are in a huge boat with millions of other people the world over.
Like most people, (myself included) you pursued your career because you knew it would earn you lots of money. And it probably has, but you've found that you just are not happy doing what you do.
What should you do? Quit? Take a sabbatical? go back to school? Start your own business? Switch careers? You've probably already had this conversation with yourself and haven't yet come to a conclusion as to your next steps, so I guess I should get on with this then, huh?
Question of the moment is, "How can I still make a decent living and leave my job?"
First, find your passion. What is it that you love to do? Can you get paid doing it? I'll answer this one for you. Of course you can!!! With the way things are going in technology these days, the sky is absolutely the limit!
After you find your passion, research how you can pursue your dream. Do you need to be re-trained? You may need to take some classes.
Start cutting back on your spending. Take an inventory of unnecessary expenses such as magazine subscriptions, eating out, cable, and things of that nature. Downgrade your car. You can even try selling some of your unwanted items. You're going to have to save up some money to pay your bills once you decide to leave your current position and pursue your own happiness.
I know you didn't think you could make a dramatic transition in your life without some sacrifices, did you?
After you've researched what it takes to be a success in your field of passion, start planning your move. Save up at least three months of your current salary to tide you over.
If you don't quit you'll just keep making excuses for yourself to not make that move! But don't quit without lining something up first.
There are many resources out there regarding this very subject. I've started a search on Amazon. Look what popped up:
Take a test at Live Career to see which career best suits your personality:
And if you aren't ready to quit, visit this site to let it all out until the time comes when you can!!
Go ahead! It's anonymous.
Life is way too short not to pursue your dreams! With patience, persistence and discipline, you can have the career and job of your dreams!
Good Luck!
If you answered "Yes" to any one of these questions, chances are you hate your job. What's worse, some of you may even hate your career. You may hate your job for a myriad of reasons: bad boss, your personality isn't matched well to the company, low wages...
Whatever your reasons are for hating your job, or career, you are in a huge boat with millions of other people the world over.
Like most people, (myself included) you pursued your career because you knew it would earn you lots of money. And it probably has, but you've found that you just are not happy doing what you do.
What should you do? Quit? Take a sabbatical? go back to school? Start your own business? Switch careers? You've probably already had this conversation with yourself and haven't yet come to a conclusion as to your next steps, so I guess I should get on with this then, huh?
Question of the moment is, "How can I still make a decent living and leave my job?"
First, find your passion. What is it that you love to do? Can you get paid doing it? I'll answer this one for you. Of course you can!!! With the way things are going in technology these days, the sky is absolutely the limit!
After you find your passion, research how you can pursue your dream. Do you need to be re-trained? You may need to take some classes.
Start cutting back on your spending. Take an inventory of unnecessary expenses such as magazine subscriptions, eating out, cable, and things of that nature. Downgrade your car. You can even try selling some of your unwanted items. You're going to have to save up some money to pay your bills once you decide to leave your current position and pursue your own happiness.
I know you didn't think you could make a dramatic transition in your life without some sacrifices, did you?
After you've researched what it takes to be a success in your field of passion, start planning your move. Save up at least three months of your current salary to tide you over.
If you don't quit you'll just keep making excuses for yourself to not make that move! But don't quit without lining something up first.
There are many resources out there regarding this very subject. I've started a search on Amazon. Look what popped up:
Take a test at Live Career to see which career best suits your personality:
And if you aren't ready to quit, visit this site to let it all out until the time comes when you can!!
Go ahead! It's anonymous.
Life is way too short not to pursue your dreams! With patience, persistence and discipline, you can have the career and job of your dreams!
Good Luck!
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