
May 17, 2010

Things to do while stuck in traffic

If you live in an area where traffic is the bane of society, like I do, you can appreciate this list of things to do while stuck in traffic. Please add any ideas you may have in the comment section. The OHW gurus would love to read them.

1. Try to figure out what people's personalized plates mean
2. Take pictures of yourself using your cell phone camera and upload them to FaceBook
3. (since you're using your phone) take pictures of cars you like/dislike
4. Since you're bumper to bumper, roll down your windows and blast your music while singing loud as hell right along with it. (Hey, you're annoyed, why not annoy others?)
5. Do a Chinese Fire Drill
6. Roll down your window and ask the person in the next car whether they have any Grey Poupon
7. Organize your calendar/checkbook
8. Read your Kindle or something
9. Call your least favorite relative that you're obligated to talk to, but hate to, so you never do (now is a good a time as any)
10. Make a list of all the reasons why you commute every day


Demarcus said...

Chinese Fire Drills are the bomb! LMAO