
May 24, 2010

...Or Hardly Working Rewind: Who ate my lunch?

Just the other day was proof to me that karma does exist. Wow, well it was my lunch time and I was as hungry as a North Korean detainee. I was thinking about my frozen dinner something serious. The noodles, the juicy white chicken, the cheese sauce, mmmmm that Stouffers. I walked into the lounge with a huge smile on my face that was interrupted by a familiar smell in the air. It was a fresh smell from the microwave. My first thought was that someone bought the same frozen meal from home that I did. Well until I looked in the freezer and saw that my box, that had my name in permanent black marker, was gone from the place I left it. I moved everything around in the freezer and still didn't see it. Wow, I couldn't believe that I was possibly smelling my own meal in the air.

I looked in the garbage and saw a paper towel on top. I moved the paper towel and there it was... an empty box with my name on it. I'm not the type to become angry so quickly, but I was irate. How could someone steal my meal? It was a day before payday, so I didn't have the extra funds to replace it (well I did, but it was the principle). I walked back to my office area dejected, disappointed and distraught. I was waiting for someone to ask what was wrong with me. And once my supervisor asked, I went ballistic.

"How the **** could someone eat a lunch with my name on it," I screamed. "Who would do some **** like that? I smelled my lunch lingering in the air!"

I was on fire. I sent out an email to everybody on the floor. I wanted the world to know that someone stole my lunch. I just didn't think that I'd get 20 replies full of stories about other people having their items stolen. One person found their carton of milk full of water by the time they got to it. People were stopping by my office, telling me more stories, and vowing that they'd find the serial lunch snatcher.

About an hour later, I was standing in the lounge with a colleague when she saw a woman walk in and throw away a black microwavable bowl. She asked the woman what it was and the look on her face became suspicious. So I walked over to the trash can and saw the bowl with minor evidence of my meal in it.

"It was YOU," I said. "You ate my lunch didn't you?"

"No, I didn't eat your lunch," she said. "I found this bowl on the floor in the hallway so I picked it up and brought it in here."

"Really, on the floor," I asked. "Where on the floor was it? People were looking everywhere. You ate my lunch. And wait, is that alcohol I smell on your breath? Don't tell me you ate my lunch so you could buy a few drinks at the bar."

"I didn't eat your lunch," she said with a cracked voice. She walked away while I stood there shaking my head. Damn, my colleagues won't believe this when I tell them, I thought. Do you?


denise flimami said...

wow that is totally f----ed up. I never understood how someone can steal another persons lunch. how embaressing. and what if you happen to walk in on them in the lunchroom while they're eating it. i mean how would they explain that? might as well invest in a mini fridge if your job allows it. u know there will be someone else waiting to replace the serial lunch stealer, trust.

Sailor Moon said...

See your good b/c I would have waited until MY lunch was finished and took it out and ate it. And when the person that took it came back to retrieve it that is when I would dig in their arse about it.

Celie said...

See, this is when you get even like the cartoon in your post. I'd bake some brownies loaded with laxatives - like Ex Lax (the chocolate ones) and mix it in the batter. Put my name on the bag and just LEAVE them in the fridge for a day or so. Some one is bound to eat it and let them suffer for it the hard way. But then again not everyone is devious like me. LOL !!

Anonymous said...

This incident happens @ all work places. At my job, a mass email was sent and they have now assigned refrigerators. If someone is caught going into one thats not part of their team's fridge, then they will be written up and possible termination. People's lunches were stolen and the containers(empty) put back in the original spot. So kudos to the management @ least trying to nip it in the bud.