One of the biggest faux pas and annoying things people do in the workplace is groom themselves.
That stuff should be done in private. Noone, and I do mean NO ONE wants to see how you make yourself look the way you do. It should remain a mystery!
Don't clip your nails at your desk. Don't brush your hair, or teeth. (Yes, people brush at their desks)
I think it's reasonable to straighten your tie, or don a little gloss- even put lotion on your hands, but all the rest can be done at home, or in the bathroom.
I hate to hear the nail clippers snapping while I'm trying to work. I don't want to think about having to navigate through your trail of nail clippings strewn about the floor. (You know these people don't even have the courtesy to clip over the trash can)
Then there are the public flossers! Good grief! Mr./Ms. DISGUSTING, have you any manners, or home training at all?
It's a wonder you got this far up the ladder.
Don't get me wrong. I am all for good grooming, and keeping up one's appearance, but give us a break! I, nor do any of the co-workers in the office, want to know the intimate details of your hygiene routine.
We are grateful that you want to be at your best, but do us all a favor. Keep it in the closet.
Thank you,
the gurus at ...orhardlyworking
That stuff should be done in private. Noone, and I do mean NO ONE wants to see how you make yourself look the way you do. It should remain a mystery!
Don't clip your nails at your desk. Don't brush your hair, or teeth. (Yes, people brush at their desks)
I think it's reasonable to straighten your tie, or don a little gloss- even put lotion on your hands, but all the rest can be done at home, or in the bathroom.
I hate to hear the nail clippers snapping while I'm trying to work. I don't want to think about having to navigate through your trail of nail clippings strewn about the floor. (You know these people don't even have the courtesy to clip over the trash can)
Then there are the public flossers! Good grief! Mr./Ms. DISGUSTING, have you any manners, or home training at all?
It's a wonder you got this far up the ladder.
Don't get me wrong. I am all for good grooming, and keeping up one's appearance, but give us a break! I, nor do any of the co-workers in the office, want to know the intimate details of your hygiene routine.
We are grateful that you want to be at your best, but do us all a favor. Keep it in the closet.
Thank you,
the gurus at ...orhardlyworking
people can brush their teeth at their desk?!?! Flossing! Nasty! Wow. I totally agree about the nail clippings, its always grose to me when people do it in public,and by public I mean anywhere that is not the bathroom, and or in their room with a trash can (I'm always on my mom's case about it), not to mention its antihigenic.
I had not thought however that putting makeup on should be a mystery, its true its part of our appeal, it coudl be like revealign a secret formula.
Def a pet peeve of mine. At one of my old jobs this guy used to clip his nose hairs and ask ppl if he got them all.
Where the hell you be working with all these LAMES around?
@ Anon lol I was a temp for a numba of yrs. I have seen it all I tell ya.
Marsha, dodie and barb all floss in public! Avery hates when they do it! bahahaaaaaa! My boss brings in her flat irons when she has site visits and she will curl her hair in her office and spray her hair spray! lololol
The nail clippers are the worst. That is something that should be done in the privacy of your home. I can't tell you how many times I have seen people clipping their nails on the train even.
Now I admit, I am a little guilty of grooming myself at my desk. I pluck my eyebrows, and file my nails. Guilty! See the lighting here is so much better for tweezing my brows, than my lighting at home. Thats a logical excuse right?
Well anywhos I got something worse to share.
One day i was on the train, when this asian man came in and sat across from me and my friends. He proceeded to clip his TOENAILS!!! Can u believe that? Just wrong, so wrong.
At Denise, Boo to the asian guy! Ewwww
And you plucking your eyebrows? SMH do you eat at your desk? You prolly ate a few eyelashes
LOL@ your remark Sha'ahn. Yes I do pluck my brows at work. But I'm not only meticulous about my eyebrows, i am about my desk too. I'm always cleaning it and my phone. I'm a bit anal about it. Maybe i should just shave my brows and draw them in, that way i dont have to worry about ingesting my eyebrow hairs. haha.
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